Meeting protocols
Engineering teams have a few types of meetings that repeat themselves: weekly, 1:1s, design review, etc. I found that for each type of these meetings having a concrete protocol, firm recurring schedule (where applicable), meeting record, and the meeting doc shared in advance between the members have great benefits, mostly: Individual expression - team members know they’ll get an appropriate stage for their ideas/complaints/feelings so they can express them to me and the other team members in a (hopefully) proactive way. Higher participation - the protocol and schedule are known in advance, so members have time to prepare and articulate what they want to say. Taking turns - since everyone is used to the way the meeting works, it’s possible to delegate the job of running the meetings between different team members - making it more a cooperative effort then the team lead role. Visibility of decision-making process - running the team and making the decisions is not being made in the head of the team lead, but is a visible, recorded process. ...